TL; DR: use custom tags on template projects; build awesome plots with gnuplot integration
Gnuplot integration
Plots and graphs are important aspects of a scientific research, and we naturally want to have them always at hand next to our text. There is a number of plotting systems and services around, and one of them, called
gnuplot is integrated into Papeeria. Although gnuplot itself is command-line driven, we launched
UI for constructing simple plots a few months ago. Today we announce deeper gnuplot integration.
Oil prices graph built using gnuplot in Papeeria |
As of Papeeria v33, customers who are subscribed to
plan Delta can run "raw" gnuplot scripts and produce high quality plots from their data. Check out our
help pages to learn more. Those who use
free Epsilon plan can still build simple plots using "managed" gnuplot.
Needless to say that we support LaTeX in plots. Unuglify maths in your figures :)
Custom tags on template projects
We have a number of "built-in" tags which help with searching for a template for your new document. Now you can tag your template projects and define your own tags. Select your template project in the dashboard and click edit tags. In the tags dialog you can add one of the existing tags or create a new tag. Whether you are creating a technical report template for your workgroup or custom presentation template for your department chair, or maybe an article template for a conference proceedings, you can benefit from using tags.
Tags interface in the Dashboard |
Tag editor |
Please keep in mind that tags are subject to post-moderation. Once created, tag becomes visible immediately, but we may rename, merge or even delete it later, to avoid collisions and inappropriate tagging. When you create a new tag, please make sure that we have your email on file, so that we could contact you if we have questions. You can set your email on the
Settings page.
At the moment being it is possible to tag template projects only and all tags are public, even if applied to private projects. Private tags will come soon.