Monday, February 29, 2016

Papeeria News, Feb 29: link sharing option

If you want to invite someone to work with you on your project, you can now generate read or write link and send them to your colleague using any communication tool. Switch on Link Sharing to get read and write access links.

Link Sharing option

Any registered user who gets the sharing link will be able to access the project. Links are permanent and can be used many times. If you need to invalidate the links, switch Link Sharing off. Switching it back on later will generate new links.

Learn more about project sharing from our help pages.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Papeeria News, Feb 22: feature which you don't want to use and graduation from Beta

TL;DR: we added a feature which we hope you will never need to use and consider ourselves graduated from Beta

Leslie Lamport (that guy who created LaTeX, yo) defined distributed system as the one where the crash of a computer you've never heard of stops you from getting any work done. This perfectly applies to online services as well and sometimes we hear from people that they don't use online services for writing their documents exactly because of that. And in many cases outage it is not the fault of the service: it is the fault of the datacenter where the service is running.

Fortunately we have never faced such outages but our competitors did:
Since our beta launch in September 2013 we have been concerned about the availability of our users' data and we're glad to announce that from now on Papeeria users will have access to their projects even if a datacenter where Papeeria servers are running becomes unavailable.

Papeeria Carbon Copy [1] is another instance of Papeeria which runs in a separate availability zone and is synced with the main site. In the unlikely event when the main Papeeria site goes down, you can still access your data through the Carbon Copy site.

We do our best to make sure that you will never have to use this feature and constantly add monitoring and self-healing measures to the main site.

However, now we can consider ourselves as graduated from beta phase where we have been for the last 2+ years. Service availability was the key thing which kept us in beta according to our quality standards.

[1] Papeeria Carbon Copy:

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Vote for Papeeria on TeX Stack Exchange!

Hey Papeeria users,
we need your help. Yes, again.

TeX Stack Exchange site, one of the best Q&A resources on LaTeX, is running Community Promotion Ads campaign. They will be showing small banners on their pages for free during the whole 2016 provided that banner gets enough votes from the community members.

Our banner participates in the competition and we need your vote!

How to vote: just click upvote (pen nib upwards) icon to the left of our banner in our answer:

Who can vote: those who have more than 15 reputation points on TeX SE. If you have them then just vote. If you don't have reputation on TeX Stack Exchange, but have good reputation on other sites from Stack Exchange network, e.g. on Stack Overflow, then you can associate your account on TeX SE with account on Stack Overflow and most likely you'll get enough reputation points to vote.

Thanks in advance for your help!